Members of the CALM Lab recently attended the CPDD2022 conference where they shared their research. Omayma Alshaarawy, PhD, chaired a forum on “Resuming Research on Substance Use Disorders After Lifting COVID-19 Distancing Measures: Challenges and Opportunities.”
Alyssa Vanderziel, PhD, presented her poster on “ The Estimated Effect of Prenatal Cannabis Exposure on Neonatal Birth Outcomes.”
Morgan Sotzen delivered a presentation on “Sex Differences in Cannabinoid-Mediated Energy Homeostasis;” Morgan also won the 2022 NIDA Women & Sex/Gender Junior Investigator Travel Award.

Omayma Alshaarawy, PhD, with Alyssa Vanderziel, PhD, who presented her poster on “ The Estimated Effect of Prenatal Cannabis Exposure on Neonatal Birth Outcomes.”

Morgan Sotzen delivered a presentation on “ Sex Differences in Cannabinoid-Mediated Energy Homeostasis.”