Congratulations to Dr. Allan Nelson on receiving the Traverse City Family Medicine Preceptor of the Year award. Dr. Nelson was nominated by Hunter Pope, MS4, who said this of Dr. Nelson.
“I would like to nominate Dr. Allan Nelson for the outstanding community preceptor award for the Family Medicine clerkship. Dr. Nelson’s reputation as a compassionate and inspiring teacher precedes him. Prior to my family medicine rotation, I heard from multiple students about their overwhelmingly positive experiences working alongside Dr. Nelson. This made me feel lucky to be scheduled with him and I looked forward to this clerkship.
At the start of my clerkship, Dr. Nelson made me feel welcome to the staff-family he has cultivated over time. He provided clear instruction of my role in the clinic, making me feel like a part of the team. He emphasized the priority of my learning and safety, offering me autonomy as a student to meet my level of clinical comfort while still challenging me to grow along the way.
Dr. Nelson offered for me to spend as much time with a patient as I felt necessary to learn from the experience, and would debrief every patient encounter with me afterward. I remember one patient who came in with mental health concerns. I spent well over an hour with this patient (far beyond the time allotted for a patient visit). Instead of admonishing me for disrupting flow of practice, Dr. Nelson highlighted why he was happy with my choice in spending extra time with this patient, and in doing so, inspired me to continue putting the needs of the patient first.
Dr. Nelson exemplified a wealth of clinical knowledge and wisdom, as well as humility. He always acknowledged his limitations, which was a value I tremendously appreciated and wish to emulate. At the end of each day, he would offer constructive feedback and motivating praise. All of these attributes made me look forward to the next day spent in his office.
While I am not going into the field of family medicine, Dr. Nelson taught me many values as a physician that transcend specialty. He inspired me to be my absolute best, and I will always be grateful to him for that. Any student who has the privilege of working with him in the future can read this letter as a testament to his successes as a mentor. Dr. Nelson deserves every honor and recognition.”

Dr. Alan Nelson, Traverse City Family Medicine Preceptor of the Year