Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Department of Family Medicine

Posted in Teaching

Network: Ascension Providence Family Medicine Residency

Basil Abdo, MD, was nominated by multiple students for this year’s Southeast Michigan Preceptor of the Year award.

“I nominate Dr. Basil Abdo, MD. I worked with Dr. Abdo during my family medicine rotation and learned a great deal under his guidance. He was a great teacher, was patient, pushed me to ask questions, and was a pleasure to watch converse with patients. I think he has a passion for teaching and is a great role model.”

“He served as the epitome of a model preceptor who always demonstrated exceptional, empathetic care towards all of his patients. Not only did he take the time to always teach us about clinical  medicine, but he also mentored us about our future careers in medicine. Dr. Abdo was very passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation of physicians and seemed genuinely invested in our training.”



Dr. Basil Abdo and Angie Collier
