2021 BLAKE W.H. SMITH SCHOLARSHIP Awarded to three Students
The Blake W.H. Smith, PhD, Scholarship provides a stipend…

Karren Wong, 2020 Blake Smith Awardee
The purpose of this study is to assess the…

Alcohol Perceptions in Rural Michigan Study Receives Blake Smith Award
Andrea Kubicki and Kirsten Salmela, 2018 Blake W.H. Smith Scholarship awardees.…

Student-Run Interprofessional Health Clinic Receives Blake Smith Award
Anne Drolet and Fredrick Hetzel, 2018 Blake W.H. Smith Scholarship…

Serving Medically Underserved Populations
Georgia Wheeldon, 2016 Blake W.H. Smith Scholarship awardee. I…

Expectations of Tropical Diseases
Rajiv Deochand, MD, 2016 Blake W.H. Smith Scholarship awardee and is a resident in the MidMichigan Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program - Midland.