
CHM Outstanding Clinician Award goes to Family Medicine Geriatrician
Dr. Raza Haque was presented the College of Human…

Celebrating Veterans Day: An Interview with Dr. John vanSchagen
Dr. John vanSchagen, interim Department Chair, served in the…

Family Medicine Welcomes A New Member of the Geriatrics Division
Join us in welcoming LaToya Brown, DNP, AGPCNP-C, to the…

Dr. Bengt Arnetz Discusses His Tenure as Chair of the Department of Family Medicine
Bengt B. Arnetz, MD, PhD, is stepping down after…

Department Chair Receives Vaccine
Dr. Bengt Arnetz, our department chair, received his first…

Congratulations to Department of Family Medicine's Jennifer M. Edwards-Johnson,…

Joy Hull Received the MSU 2020 Academic Affairs Staff Excellent Award
Congratulations to our very own Joy Hull on receiving the MSU…

Congrats to our two recent promoted faculty – Drs. Julie Phillips and Masako Morishita
It is with great joy that I announce that…

Dr. Azhary Leads Medical Mission to Jordan
"From July 6 - 11 2019, Dr. Hend Azhary…

Dr. Morishita's Work Yields Impressive Results
Dr. Masako Morishita's article, Effect of Portable Air Filtration…